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 clever as the devil and twice as pretty

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clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: clever as the devil and twice as pretty   clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 EmptyDim 27 Nov - 22:39

clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 3943615972
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clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: clever as the devil and twice as pretty   clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 EmptyLun 28 Nov - 12:08

hey toi clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 4084046224 on se fait un rp quand tu veux. https://imgur.com/WY
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clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: clever as the devil and twice as pretty   clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 EmptyLun 28 Nov - 14:43

Ben écoute je suis disponible clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 2117646275
On se fait ça où ? https://imgur.com/WY et pour le contexte, tu as une idée ou pas ?
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clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: clever as the devil and twice as pretty   clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 EmptyLun 28 Nov - 15:24

j'ai pas d'idées précises non, mais éventuellement pourquoi pas jouer de leur côté entremetteurs ? Genre un soir ils se font un plan où ils doivent trouver un rencard pour l'autre et se font un double rencard ? (à)
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clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: clever as the devil and twice as pretty   clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 EmptyMar 29 Nov - 3:18

Oh ouiii pourquoi pas, je le fais à la boite de nuit du coup, non ?
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clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: clever as the devil and twice as pretty   clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 EmptyMar 29 Nov - 8:09

hmm, non, j'aurais dis un truc plus bateau, genre un restaurant ou un truc comme ça ? clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 4238586327
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clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: clever as the devil and twice as pretty   clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 EmptyMar 29 Nov - 8:24

Et bien va pour le restaurant alors :D
Je te fais ça dans la journée ^^
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clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: clever as the devil and twice as pretty   clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 EmptyMar 29 Nov - 12:05

super, merci de t'en occuper. I love you
(ici Ronan, mauvais compte Arrow)
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clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: clever as the devil and twice as pretty   clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 EmptyMar 29 Nov - 19:53

moi clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 1783911736
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clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: clever as the devil and twice as pretty   clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 EmptySam 3 Déc - 16:27

excuses moi pour le retard mais oui bien sûr, qu'est-ce qui te ferais plaisir ? clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 3100752261
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clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: clever as the devil and twice as pretty   clever as the devil and twice as pretty - Page 6 Empty

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clever as the devil and twice as pretty
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