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 Cielo ∞ Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together.

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Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cielo ∞ Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together.   Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 EmptyMer 22 Fév - 2:10

et encore :') c'est monté à quatre parce que je suis gourmande :'D

Pas de probleme, à demain alors Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 3255181339
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Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cielo ∞ Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together.   Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 EmptyMer 22 Fév - 2:23

Je connais ça, je suis pareille Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 3502698297

Vouii Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 3255181339
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Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cielo ∞ Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together.   Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 EmptyMer 22 Fév - 9:06

Et Alejandro déteste Karuli aussi Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 1084864092 BREF.
J'ai peut-être trouvé avec lequel de tes persos trouver un lien avec Al, vu que Cielo deale, on devrait pouvoir trouver quelque chose Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 4084046224
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Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cielo ∞ Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together.   Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 23 Fév - 17:49

Alejandro Lopez a écrit:
Et Alejandro déteste Karuli aussi Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 1084864092 BREF.
J'ai peut-être trouvé avec lequel de tes persos trouver un lien avec Al, vu que Cielo deale, on devrait pouvoir trouver quelque chose Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 4084046224

Mode Karuli ON: tu feras moins le malin quand je t'aurai buté enfoiré Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 386615028 Mode Karuli OFF Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 4084046224

Chatooon Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 2338258451 Carrément d'accord avec ton idée. On suppose simplement qu'Al est le fournisseur de Cielo ? Depuis le temps (environ trois ans), ils auraient déjà développé une relation autre que professionnelle non ? Disons que Cielo considère Al comme son mentor ? Il l'admire, le respecte et toussa toussa ? Il le craint un peu aussi, faut avouer Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 4084046224 Le pauvre, il sait que sa tête risque d'être mis à prix si jamais il entre sur la blacklist d'Alejandro Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 3502698297

Si on part de ça, on peut faire de chouettes rps hein ? https://imgur.com/WY
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Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cielo ∞ Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together.   Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 23 Fév - 18:10

Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 1779620363 un petit lien ?

Avec Owena, Marlon ou Nastya ou les trois xD ?
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Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cielo ∞ Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together.   Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 23 Fév - 18:36

Owena Glanmor a écrit:
Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 1779620363 un petit lien ?

Avec Owena, Marlon ou Nastya ou les trois xD ?

Oh oui avec plaisiir Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 735437058

Tu as des idées ou tu veux qu'on cherche ensemble ? https://imgur.com/WY
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Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cielo ∞ Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together.   Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 23 Fév - 19:08

Oh oui ça serait drôle Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 4084046224 J'ai même une idée de rp Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 2483576298 On pourrait jouer un gros malentendu lié par exemple à un problème avec la police, Al croit que Cielo l'a balancé, du coup il le menace de mort, etc Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 3502698297
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Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cielo ∞ Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together.   Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 23 Fév - 19:10

Alejandro Lopez a écrit:
Oh oui ça serait drôle Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 4084046224 J'ai même une idée de rp Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 2483576298 On pourrait jouer un gros malentendu lié par exemple à un problème avec la police, Al croit que Cielo l'a balancé, du coup il le menace de mort, etc Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 3502698297

Je veux !!! J'imaginais trop un rp dans le style en plus, on est trop en phase toi et moi https://imgur.com/WY
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Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cielo ∞ Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together.   Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 23 Fév - 19:13

Nan mais je fais beaucoup de télépathie en ce moment t'sais Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 4113598150
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Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cielo ∞ Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together.   Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 23 Fév - 19:19

J'avais à peine remarqué Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 3502698297
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Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Cielo ∞ Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together.   Cielo  ∞  Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together. - Page 3 Empty

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Cielo ∞ Maybe the night will change us, maybe we'll stay together.
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