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 yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace)

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yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) Empty
MessageSujet: yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace)   yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) EmptySam 26 Nov - 19:00

Jace Hayton
feat HARVEY NEWTON HAYDON ©️ fuckyeahmodelgifs.

◊ L'essentiel en quelques mots.

■ Nom : Hayton. Une célébrité qui en découle, une certaine renommée, patronyme inspirant la pure aristocratie. ■ Prénom : Jace. ■ Âge : vingt-six ans, l'effrayante trentaine qui approche à petits pas. Tu l'évites, tu la chasses, tu la repousses. ■ Lieu de Naissance : écrire ici. ■ Nationalité : écrire ici. ■ Occupation : écrire ici. ■ Statut Civil : écrire ici. ■ Orientation Sexuelle : écrire ici.

◊ Les petits détails croustillants.

■ Les Anecdotes.
Il est temps pour toi que nous en dise un peu plus sur ton personnage. Il te suffit de lister cinq anecdotes (ou plus si tu le souhaites) qui concernent la vie bien remplie de ton personnage, qui retracent brièvement son parcours, en gros.

anecdote ici.
anecdote ici.
anecdote ici.
anecdote ici.
anecdote ici.

■ Les Tocs & Manies.
Toujours pour en savoir plus parce que nous sommes très curieux. Dis-nous toutes les petites habitudes qui concernent ton personnage. Tu peux en citer autant que tu le souhaites.

tocs/manies ici. tocs/manies ici. tocs/manies ici. tocs/manies ici. tocs/manies ici. tocs/manies ici. tocs/manies ici. tocs/manies ici. tocs/manies ici. tocs/manies ici. tocs/manies ici. tocs/manies ici.

◊ Derrière l'écran.

■ Prénom : axelle ■ Pseudo : linyll ■ Âge : dix-huit ans ■ Pays : france ■ Double-Compte : rosie la barjo ■ Comment as-tu connu le forum ? : bazzart yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 1326213240  ■ Veux-tu avoir ton mini-flood ? : nopeee ■ Un dernier mot ? : amour sur vos bouilles yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 540317868

<ai>harvey newton haydon ■</ai> jace hayton.

Dernière édition par Jace Hayton le Lun 28 Nov - 19:26, édité 5 fois
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yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace)   yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) EmptySam 26 Nov - 19:13

Bienvenue !
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yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace)   yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) EmptySam 26 Nov - 19:55

Harvey. yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 3651123202 yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 3651123202 yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 3651123202 yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 3651123202 yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 3651123202
choix de fou + le prénom Jace + la citation de Stranger Things. yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 871215366 yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 871215366 #pan

bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fichette. https://imgur.com/WY
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yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace)   yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) EmptySam 26 Nov - 20:33

merci à vous deux yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 3255181339 https://imgur.com/WY
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yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace)   yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) EmptySam 26 Nov - 20:35

Bienvenue sur le forum ! I love you
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yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace)   yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) EmptySam 26 Nov - 22:43

Re bienvenue ma belle yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 3255181339
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yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace)   yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) EmptySam 26 Nov - 22:45

Re-bienvenue ! yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 2960409412
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yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace)   yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) EmptyDim 27 Nov - 8:55

Re-bienvenue ! yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 3255181339
Et merci de prendre mon pré-lien yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 1600640386 yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 3309923611
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yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace)   yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) EmptyDim 27 Nov - 10:52

(reuh) Bienvenue dans le coin toi avec beau gosse yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 2628780431
Bon courage pour la fichette yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 1572537199
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yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace)   yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) EmptyDim 27 Nov - 11:47

Hey ! (Re)Welcome, toi ! yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) 3100752261  Bon courage pour ta fiche !

Dernière édition par Isaline Blondin le Dim 27 Nov - 11:51, édité 1 fois
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yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace)   yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace) Empty

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yeah, that’s right! you better run! she’s our friend and she’s crazy! (jace)
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