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 Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther.

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Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther.   Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 EmptyMer 15 Fév - 21:39

Je vais y reflechir serieusement, et je passerai mp !
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Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther.   Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 EmptyMer 15 Fév - 22:22

Maeve veut attraper tout le monde c'est son job Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 3943615972
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Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther.   Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 16 Fév - 11:04

Ouais bah on va comploter contre elle Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 1797775081
OH J'VIENS D'AVOIR UNE IDÉE @"Joran" (je te tague car je sais pas si tu vas repasser du coup xD) ! (et Maeve)
Et si on kidnappait Maeve pour la dissuader de continuer à nous pourchasser ? Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 4084046224
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Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther.   Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 16 Fév - 11:16

Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 3895257041 t'es mignon
mais ça marcherait pas en fait Arrow
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Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther.   Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 16 Fév - 11:19

Oui je me doute que ça ne la dissuaderait pas, au contraire Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 3502698297
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Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther.   Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 16 Fév - 11:29

T'as raison Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 3895257041 si tu veux qu'elle arrête faut la tuer et ça c'est impossible Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 3895257041 ou alors tu lui offres vraiment un gros truc en échange et ça, bon courage aussi Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 3895257041
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Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther.   Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 16 Fév - 11:36

Donuts ? Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 1396873984
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Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther.   Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 16 Fév - 12:03

Donne lui plutôt la tête du mec qui a tué son enfant et ça lui suffira ... oh attend zut il est déjà mort Arrow fais comme Joran, file lui un coup de main pour coincer son connard de père. Et peut-être qu'elle te laissera prendre de l'avance avant de te coincer Arrow
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Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther.   Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 EmptyJeu 16 Fév - 12:21

Oh ben avec les relations qu'il a il devrait pouvoir l'aider oui Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 4084046224
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Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther.   Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 EmptyMar 21 Fév - 16:36

Entre tueurs à gage, il nous faut un lien ** !
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Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther.   Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther. - Page 3 Empty

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Alejandro 。 a smile will get you pretty far... but a smile and a gun will get you farther.
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