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 Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first

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Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first   Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 EmptyDim 22 Jan - 19:17

Oh oui Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 2117646275 Mais du coup, au jour d'aujourd'hui il saurait qu'elle travaille pour la police, non ?
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Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first   Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 EmptyDim 22 Jan - 19:54

Ca pourrait peut-être être mieux de faire cette découverte en rp ? Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 880764525
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Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first   Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 EmptyDim 22 Jan - 20:19

J'ai vu que tu aimais l'art alors si jamais tu veux un lien avec une artiste ça m'tenterait bien https://imgur.com/WY
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Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first   Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 EmptyDim 22 Jan - 20:31

Avec plaisir Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 3590801293 Floralyn fait quoi comme art ?
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Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first   Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 EmptyDim 22 Jan - 20:50

Flore c'est une virtuose de la musique, piano en spécialité et elle est mondialement connue pour ça mais c'est aussi une dessinatrice de talent. Le dessin c'est toute sa vie. Elle fait des études d'archi d'intérieur la mais elle dessine sur tout et tout le temps. J'me dis peut-être qu'elle aurait pu venir dans la boutique de Tian et repérer des tableaux de maîtres ou alors il l'aurait surprise à dessiner dans le parc ou près de sa boutique ?
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Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first   Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 EmptyDim 22 Jan - 21:23

Tian dessine aussi :3 Et ce n'est pas sa boutique, il y travaille juste et n'est la majorité du temps pas au contact direct de la clientèle hormis quand c'est pour une réparation/restauration et pas vente d'antiquité ^^
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Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first   Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 EmptyDim 22 Jan - 21:24

Tian Shu Hei'an a écrit:
Ca pourrait peut-être être mieux de faire cette découverte en rp ? Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 880764525

On pourrait toujours faire la découverte en rp, dans la partie flashback si tu veux Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 4084046224
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Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first   Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 EmptyDim 22 Jan - 21:30

Ah ben oui ^^ du coup en rp ça pourrait donner quoi ? Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 880764525
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Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first   Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 EmptyDim 22 Jan - 21:33

Comment ça ? Dans la partie normale du rp ?

Faudrait voir en flashback à quelle période ils se seraient rencontrés exactement Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 4238586327
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Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first   Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 EmptyDim 22 Jan - 21:41

Il est arrivé en octobre donc si c'est en 2010 c'est soit octobre, novembre ou décembre :3
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Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first   Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first - Page 3 Empty

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Tian Shu - being short is okay. if the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first
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