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 ✿ the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine

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✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✿ the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine   ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 EmptyMar 4 Avr - 12:54

Bienvenue parmi nous ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 3255181339
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✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✿ the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine   ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 EmptyMar 4 Avr - 13:01

Bienvenue sur le forum.
Bonne chance pour ta fiche.
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✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✿ the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine   ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 EmptyMar 4 Avr - 13:48

Bienvenue sur Révolution et bonne rédaction pour ta fiche ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 1779620363

Si jamais tu as des questions, n'hésite pas à nous contacter, on se fera un plaisir de te répondre ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 2117646275
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✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✿ the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine   ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 EmptyMar 4 Avr - 14:13

Je te souhaite la bienvenue ♡
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✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✿ the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine   ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 EmptyMar 4 Avr - 14:44

Merci à vous tous pour votre accueil https://imgur.com/WY C'est adorable !
Je n'hésiterais pas à contacter le staff en cas de besoin ! ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 2628780431
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✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✿ the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine   ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 EmptyMar 4 Avr - 16:10

Dove ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 20890844

Bienvenue parmi nous et bonne chance pour ta fiche! ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 2765295322
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✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✿ the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine   ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 EmptyMar 4 Avr - 16:49

Cole ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 20890844
Mon premier crush je crois TT

Merci beaucoup ! https://imgur.com/WY
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✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✿ the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine   ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 EmptyMar 4 Avr - 16:51

Ah ouais? ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 2765295322 Faudra se trouver un lien alors!!! ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 2765295322 ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 4084046224
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✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✿ the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine   ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 EmptyMar 4 Avr - 16:58

Oui, il faudra ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 2765295322
+ Le gif de ton profil là, ce sourire mon coeur s'arrête à chaque fois ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 4084046224

++ Mint s'appelle désormais Olympe avec l'accord de Maxim https://imgur.com/WY
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✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✿ the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine   ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 EmptyMar 4 Avr - 16:59

J'avoue! Il est terriblement mignon avec ce sourire! ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 20890844

Joli prénom! ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 3255181339
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✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ✿ the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine   ✿  the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine - Page 2 Empty

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✿ the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine
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