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 (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane

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(amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane Empty
MessageSujet: (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane   (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane EmptySam 25 Mar - 18:25

Amiya Goldsmith
feat DEMI LOVATO ©️ goodnessgifs ; hotmess.

◊ L'essentiel en quelques mots.

■ Nom : goldsmith. ■ Prénom : amiya. ■ Âge : vingt-six ans. ■ Lieu de Naissance : vancouver. ■ Nationalité : canadienne. ■ Occupation : caissière au cinéma. ■ Statut Civil : célibataire. ■ Orientation Sexuelle : hétérosexuelle. ■ Traits de caractère : sarcastique, indécise, franche, intelligente, maniaco-dépressive, arrogante, violente, souriante.

◊ Les petits détails croustillants.

Il est temps pour toi que nous en dise un peu plus sur ton personnage. Il te suffit de lister quelques anecdotes qui concernent la vie bien remplie de ton personnage, qui retracent brièvement son parcours, en gros. Tu peux aussi nous dire les petites habitudes qui concernent ton personnage.

anecdote ici.
anecdote ici.
anecdote ici.
anecdote ici.
anecdote ici.

◊ Derrière l'écran.

■ Prénom : amy. ■ Pseudo : hotmess. ■ Âge : twenty-two. ■ Pays : france. ■ Double-Compte : nope ■ Comment as-tu connu le forum ? : bazzart. ■ Veux-tu participer à un flood d'intégration ? Si oui, lequel ? : nope. ■ Un dernier mot ? : blurp  (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane 286971264 .

<ai>demi lovato ■</ai> amiya goldsmith.
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(amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane   (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane EmptySam 25 Mar - 18:31

Demi, trop bon choix Like a Star @ heaven Bienvenue parmi nous https://imgur.com/WY
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(amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane   (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane EmptySam 25 Mar - 19:57

Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche. (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane 880764525 (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane 2018440904
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(amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane   (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane EmptySam 25 Mar - 19:59

Bienvenue https://imgur.com/WY
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(amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane   (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane EmptySam 25 Mar - 20:42

Bienvenue !
Bon courage pour ta fiche !
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(amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane   (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane EmptySam 25 Mar - 21:46

Bienvenue ! https://imgur.com/WY

Dernière édition par Elijah Mckillan le Sam 25 Mar - 21:48, édité 1 fois
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(amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane   (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane EmptySam 25 Mar - 21:46

Bienvenue parmi nous et bonne rédaction pour ta fiche (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane 1779620363

Si tu as la moindre question, n'hésite pas à nous contacter par mp, on se fera un plaisir de te répondre https://imgur.com/WY
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(amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane   (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane EmptyDim 26 Mar - 0:07

Welcome. I love you
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(amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane   (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane EmptyDim 26 Mar - 11:46

Bienvenue  toi ♡
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(amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane   (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane EmptyDim 26 Mar - 11:48

Bienvenue ici Razz
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(amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane   (amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane Empty

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(amiya) I used to smoke to get high, now I smoke to stay sane
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